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Special Stories

These albums are of some of the labs that captured the hearts of everyone at NELR and all of our fans.  


Meet Halo.  Halo is possibly the sweetest dog we have rescued. She was rescued with sever mange. She underwent treatment, was nurtured back to health by our wonderful foster, Kristen, and found a loving forever home.  Unfortunately, Halo's story doesn't end happily ever after.  She ended up crossing the Rainbow Bridge due to bloat.  Sweet Halo will always hold a very special place in our hearts. 

Hailey and Puppies

Meet Hailey (now Cali)!  Hailey was rescued with six of her own puppies.  While in the shelter she became surrogate to seven more.  Hailey was a wonderful momma to THIRTEEN puppies at once!  Hailey was a sweet, loving momma.  She and all of her puppies captured everyone's hearts.  

Baylee and Puppies

Meet Baylee!  Baylee is another wonderful momma.  She and her eight puppies were a huge hit with our fans! 

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